Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Remember me.. ?

I'm not sure if you remember me. Probably not. It's been years.
I can't believe it's been that long, but it has.
I am finally re-committing myself to the blog I started as a college sophomore.
Some things have changed..
I finally graduated ( yay ) I work too much and I don't make nearly enough money to buy every lipstick that comes out.
So I guess I grew up ? Weird.

I'm sure a lot of things have also changed with you guys too though, so thanks for sticking around and leaving really nice comments and sending concerned emails.
Thank you guys, really. It means a ton.

This post is just a statement to show that I have returned and haven't forgotten about the blog formerly knows as Designer Drugs (god I thought that was so catchy). The name as you've probably noticed (or not) has changed, but I'm still here and plan on blogging about some of the same information.
Makeup, nails, reviews, pretty things. And then some new stuff, personal blogs about myself, life, experiences. I think this will add a more 'intimate' feel to the blog.

So thank you for reading this, and I hope you stick around for the new things, and old things that I have planned for upcoming posts.

Love Imani Nikkol

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